Becoming A Member
Only Jesus Christ can make one a member of His body the invisible
church. Without this, one’s earthly church membership is useless and
vain. Abiding Faith provides born-again believers in Jesus Christ the
opportunity and responsibility to attend worship and study classes,
financial support the church and its minister, ministries and expenses
through tithes and offerings, and participate in evangelistic and training
Membership at Abiding Faith is attained in one of the following ways:
New Convert/Candidate for Baptism – A new convert is someone who
has acknowledged that they are a sinner and that God sent his only
begotten son, Jesus Christ to pay the penalty of sin through his
shedding of sinless blood and death on the cross. Furthermore the new
convert is motivated by God’s mercy toward them and asks Him for
forgiveness of sins and to yields to Christ as their savior and receiving
the gift of Salvation. The convert then acknowledges this salvation,
(regeneration, born-again), by publicly presenting herself/himself during
the time of invitation at any Bible study, prayer service, or worship
service. Public profession together with the demonstration of a
regenerated life then causes the new convert to be baptism by
immersion in obedience to the Command of Christ Jesus. Continued
discipleship, fellowship and stewardship occur through interaction with
the members, participation in the outreach, prayer, teaching, and
worship activities of this church.
Christian Experience – A person wishing to join by Christian experience
is someone who has been born again by receiving salvation through
Jesus Christ, and has previous been baptized via immersion and
demonstrates a regenerated life in Christ. Generally this person has had
a church membership elsewhere. Continued discipleship, fellowship and
stewardship occur through interaction with the members, participation in
the outreach, prayer, teaching, and worship activities of this church.
Watch Care – A person temporarily relocating to the Kansas City
metropolitan area, but planning to return home after several months,
(i.e., college students, contract consultants, military personnel, etc) is
eligible to join as a Watch Care member. The requirements are the same
as for those joining by Christian Experience. Verification of the Watch
Care member will be required by letter from the individual’s current
home church or by verbal reference from the pastor of the individual’s
home church. The church extends the privilege to attend studies,
worship, and other fellowship opportunities, but not the opportunity lead
auxiliaries and committees, or to vote in church business meetings.
Once a Watch Care member becomes a full member of the
congregation, then those opportunities will be conferred at that time.
Remote Member – A person residing outside of the geographical
metropolitan area who wishes to worship and study with us, as well as
support us is eligible to join as a Remote Member. The requirements are
the same as for those joining by Christian Experience. Verification of the
Remote Member will be required to submit a letter requesting Remote
Membership providing information of personal testimony of salvation.
The Remote Member must attend remote worship and study
opportunities conducted by Abiding Faith, and they must be involved
with a group of at least three other believers in their local area. The
Remote Member is asked to financially support all remote activities as a
means of continuing to make remote resources available to them. The
church extends the privilege to attend studies, worship, and other
fellowship opportunities when they visit the area, but they may not lead
auxiliaries and committees, or participate in local administrative church
business. If a Remote Member relocates to the area they may change
can be considered for staff and auxiliary appointments at that time.
Those seeking membership with our congregation should contact the
pastor or deacons with questions not answered in this manual. Those
seeking entry in to the Church of Jesus Christ may inquire of any
Christian or God’s word, but ultimately they must answer the call made
by The Lord Jesus Christ in order to be accepted in to His Church.